Come, Al Ye Shepherds (chromatic)

Come, Al Ye Shepherds (chromatic)

Автор мелодии: Trad. Czech Christmas Carol
Trad: Czech Christmas Carol
Key: F

 4    4-3 -5-4 4    4 -3   
Come, all  ye shep-herds, 
-5-3* 4  -3 4 3-3  -2
such won-ders en-thrall
  4   4-3 -5-3*  4   4-3 -5-3*  4 -34 3-3 -2 
Come where the young Child is laid in a stall
 -2  -3  -2 -3 4 -2  -3  -2  3  1
This day to us a Sav-ior is giv-en
 -2  -3  -2  -3   4    -2   -3   -2   3   1  
Whom God on high hath sent down from Heav-en
 4 -34 3-3 -2 
Hal-le-lu jah.
Жанр: Рождественские
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: F

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