Chiquitita (Chromatic)

Chiquitita (Chromatic)

Автор мелодии: Benny Andersson & Bjorn Ulvaeus
Key of Ab Major
Range: Ab3 to C5 for 16 hole
       Ab4 to C6 for 12 hole.
16 hole chromatic above lyrics
12 hole below lyrics (octave high) 
Notations:  none = blow   - = draw  * = button in    . = lower
register    ____ = hold   
2*___3* = sustain, or slide from one note to next

1   1*  -1*2*  -1*  1* 1      -1*
Chi-qui-ti-ta, tell me what’s wrong.
5   5* -5* 6*  -5*  5* 5      -5*

1 1*   -1* 2* -1*  1*   1   -.3*
I have nev-er seen such sor-row
5 5*   -5* 6* -5*  5*   5   -3*

3__2*__3__3* -2   -1*
in__________ your eyes, 
7__-6__7__7* -6   -5*

-.3* 1   1*  1*   1* 1  -.3* 1__1___
and  the wed-ding is to-mor-row.___
-3*  5   5*  5*   5* 5  -3*  4__4___

1   1* -1*  2* -1* 1*  1    -1*
How I  hate to see you like this.
5   5* -5*  6* -5* 5*  5    -5*

1     1* -1* 2*  3   -2  -1*3  -1*
There is no  way you can de-ny it.
5     5* -5* 6*  7   -6  -5*7  -5*

3__2*_3_3* 2*  -1* -.3* 1       1*  1* 1*   1  
I_________ can see that you’re, oh, so sad, so 
7__6*_7_7* 6*  -5* -3*  5       5*  5* 5*   5


1   1*  -1*2*  -1*  1* 1   -1*______
Chi-qui-ti-ta, tell me the truth.___
5   5*  -5*6*  -5*  5* 5   -5*______

1   1* -1*   2*  -1* 1*  1   -.3*___
I’m a  shoul-der you can cry on,____
5   5* -5*   6*  -5* 5*  5   -3*____

3__2*__3__3*__ -2   -1*
your__________ best friend.
7__6*__7__7*__ 6*   -5*

-.3 1   1*  1*  1*   1 -.3*_-.3* 1
I’m the one you must re-ly_____  on.___
-3  5   5*  5*  5*   5  -3*_-3*  5  

1   1*   -1*2*   -1*  1* 1    -1*___
You were al-ways sure of your-self.
5   5*   -5*6*   -5*  5* 5    -5*___

1   1* -1* -2     3   -2  1 3     -1*
Now I  see you’ve bro-ken a feath-er.____
5   5*  -5* -6    7   -6  5 7     -5*

3__2*_3_3*__2* -1*  1* -1* -2__-2 -2 -2  
I_____________ hope we can patch_ it up 
7__6*_7_7*__6* -5*  5* -5* -6__-6 -6 -6 

-1* 1*  1__1_
-5* 5*  5__5_

2*  3   3* -3* 3*  3   2*_3* 3*_______3*
Chi-qui-ti-ta, you and I____ know_______
6*  7   7* -7* 7*  7   6*_7* 7*_______7*

2*  3   3*   -3*    3*   3   -2   3* 3   -2  
how the heart-aches come and they go and the
6*  7   7*   -7*    7*   7   -6   7* 7   -6

3*     -1*     1*   1__1____
scares they’re leav-ing.____
7*     -5*     5*   5__5____

1      1* -1*_-1* 2*  3   3* 3
You’ll be danc - ing once a-gain____
5      5* -5*_-5* 6*  7   7* 3

2*  3   3*   2*   -1*
and the pain will end. 
6*  7   7*   6*   -5*

-.3* 1    1*   1* 1*   1  -.3*_-.3* 1_1___
You  will have no time for griev - ing.___
-3*  5    5*   5* 5*   5  -3*_-3*  5_5____

2*  3   3* -3* 3*  3   2*___3* 3*_______3*
Chi-qui-ti-ta, you and I_____  cry,_______
6*  7   7* -7* 7*  7   6*___7* 7*_______7*

2*  3   3*  -3* 3*    3  2*  3*  -3* 4    -3* 
but the sun is  still in the sky and shin-ing 
6*  7   7*  -7* 7*    7  6*  7*  -7* 8    -7* 

3* 4   3*_3*____
a-bove you._____
7* 8   7*_7*____

1__1* 1*_-1* -1*_2* 2*_3 3_3*  -3*_3* 3
Let_  me___  hear_  you_ sing_ once_  more
5_5*  5*_-5* -5*_6* 6*_7 7_7* -7*_-7* 7

2*   3   3*  2* -1*
like you did be-fore.
6*   7   7*  6* -5*

-.3  1 1*  1*    1*    1   -.3*_-.3* .3*
Sing a new song, Chi – qui - ti  -  ta.____
-3   5 5*  5*    5*    5   -3*__-3* 3*  

-3* 3*   3     2*   3   3*  2* -1*
Try once more, like you did be-fore.
-7*   7*   7     -6   7   7*  -6 -5*

-.3  1 1*  1*    1*  1  -.3*  .3*_.3*___
Sing a new song, Chi-qui-ti - ta._______
3    5 5*  5*    5*  5   -3  3*__3*_____
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Сложность: Средняя
Ключ гармошки: Ab

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