Carols Sing (F) — HARMONICA.RU

Carols Sing (F)

Автор мелодии: Paul and Martha Puckett
Carols Sing
words and music by Paul and Martha Puckett
tabbed by Erik Willke
song and tab in F
note: -- is bend

 5   5    6   4  4   5   --3 -3     4   -5   5 -4
Car-ols sing to the King, Je-sus Christ our Sav-ior;

 5     5   6    4  4    5  --3 -3   4 -5 5-4  4
Born this day, an-gels say, In  a low-ly man-ger;

-6  -6    6  -5  6    5    -6    6  -5  5   -4
He came down to the earth bring-ing us new birth.

 5   5   6    4  4    5  --3 -3     4   -5  5-4 -4
Car-ols sing to the King, Je-sus Christ our Sav-ior.

Tidings bring! Hail the King, Shepherds did adore Him.
From afar, by the star, Wise men sought and found Him.
Praise His name thro'out the earth, Tell the joyful news.
Victor now, o'er the grave, Jesus Christ was born to save.

Carols sing to the King, Jesus Christ our Savior;
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Redeemer,
Son of God, Son of man-All in all I see.
Carols raise, His name praise, He shall reign eternally.
Жанр: Праздничные
Тип гармошки: Блюзовая
Сложность: Для начинающих
Ключ гармошки: F

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