Candle on the Water (Chromatic)

Candle on the Water (Chromatic)

Автор мелодии: Helen Reddy
Note:  # means slide pushed in.
Therefore 3# means blow 3 with the slide in
and -3# means draw 3 with the slide pushed in.

VERSE (Play twice)

5    5  5    -5 6   -6 -5  -7 7
I'll be your candle on the wa-ter,
I'll be your candle on the wa-ter,

6    6    6   6    5    -6   6    -5
My   love for you  will al---ways burn.
'Til ev'--ry  wave is   warm and  bright.

6  6    -5     5     5   -5   6
I  know you're lost  and drif-ting,
My soul is     there be--side you,

-6  7    -7     -6  7     6
But the  clouds are lif---ting,
Let this can----dle guide you,

-6    7      -7  -6  7    6   -5     5  7
Don't give   up, you have somewhere  to turn.
Soon  you'll see a-  gol--den stream of light.

BRIDGE (Pick up here after 2nd time through VERSE)

-6 -6   -6  6     6    -6   7   7     -6
A- cold and friendless tide has found you,

-6    -6  -6  6   6  -6  7    -7   7   -6
Don't let the stormy darkness pull you down.

7    7     7 -6# -6# 7    -7 -7    7
I'll paint a ray of- hope a--round you,

-7  7    -6 -7  7
Circling in the air,

-6  6   -5 5 7
Lighted by a prayer.


5    5  5    -5 6   -6 -5  -7 7
I'll be your candle on the wa-ter,

6    6     6 6    5  -6 6    -5
This flame inside of me will grow.

6    6   -5  5   5      -5   6
Keep holding on, you'll make it,

-6     7  -7    -6 7    6
Here's my hand, so take it,

-6   7   -7  -7   7   -6  -7 7
Look for me, reaching out to show,

7  7    -6 -6 7    6
As sure as ri-vers flow,

-5   -6 6   -5  -7  7
I'll ne-ver let you go,

-6   -6 6  -5   -7  7
I'll ne-ver let you go,

-6   -6 6   -5  -7  7
I'll ne-ver let you go.
Жанр: Любовные
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Сложность: Для начинающих

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