Can I See You Tonight

Can I See You Tonight

Автор мелодии: Tanya Tucker
5   6    6     6   6   -6
I don't know where to start 

 5    6    6    -6  6  -5  5 
Now that we're fall-en a-part.

 8   8  8   -8    7   -8   8
How can we talk heart to heart

  8    8   8  -8 -8  7    7  -7 -7
you're so far a-way what can I say.

 5     6    6  6   6   -6
I've tried to un-der-stand

 5    6     6  -6  6  -5  5 
but things got so out of hand 

 8    8  8   -8  7 -8  8
Held out as long as I can 

 8   -8 -8  7   7  -7  -7   6   6 
Now I'm on the tel-e-phone say-ing,

 8  -8 -8  7  -6   -8
Can I see you to-night 

  -8   -8   7  -6  8    -8    7    -8   7  
Just think of the time that we've wast-ing

 8  -8   -8    7   -6  -8
Eve-ry-thing could be right 

-8    7  -6   8  -8 7   -8   7
It could be love if we make it.

Now that we're on the line 
I'll tell you what's on my mind
The love we're trying to hide. 
Well, it's suffering from to much pride.
When will we see the end 
to this game where nobody wins
For as long as nobody gives in 
It will go on and on and on.


Instead of breaking up 
Instead of breaking up

Chorus x 2 fade....
Жанр: Кантри
Тип гармошки: Блюзовая
Сложность: Для начинающих
Ключ гармошки: F

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