Calypso (chromatic)

Calypso (chromatic)

Автор мелодии: John Denver
CALYPSO chromatic
By: John Denver
Key: A
6/8 time

2   4*  -4 -3  2   2  2
To sail on a dream on a 
 4*  -5    6  -5  4*
Crys-tal clear o-cean
2   2   -3 -4    4*  4*
To ride on the crest of 
-5    6  -5   4*  -4
the wild rag-ing storm
4*  4*  -4 -3   2   2
To work in the ser-vice 
2   4*  -5   6  -5   4*
of life and the liv-ing
2    4*   -5  6  -5   4*
In search of the an-swers 
-5  6    -5   4* -4 -3
to ques-tions un-known
4* 4*  4*  -4 -3   2    2
To be part of the move-ment 
 2   4*  -5  6   -5   5*
and part of the grow-ing
 5*  -5 6  -5   5*  5* -5  5*   6
Part of be-gin-ning to un-der-stand

-5   -5 -5  4*  -4   -3  -4   4*    -5  4*
Aye, Ca-lyp-so, the plac-es you've been to
-3    -5    6    -6*     6   -5
The things that you've shown us
 4*  -4  -4  -4   4*
The stor-ies you tell
-6*  -6* -5 6   6  5*  -4  5*   -5  5*
Aye, Ca-lyp-so, I sing to your spir-it
 5* -5   6  -6*    6    -5
The men who have served you
5*  -5   5* -4  -3
So long and so well
4* -5  6  -8  8*  5* -5  6
Hi-dee-ay-ee-ooo  do-dle-oh
-8  8* -9 8* -8 -7 5* -5  6 
Ooo do do do do do do-dle-ay
-88*-98*-8-7 5* -5  7  -8
Ee           do-dle-ay-ee
Жанр: 70-е
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: A

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