
Автор мелодии: Pink Floyd
-8  7      7     7 -6  7-7     7    7 -6  7   -8
Breathe, breathe in the air.  Don't be a-fraid to
7 -7    7 -7   6   -7     7  -7-6   7 -7   7
care.  Leave, but don't leave me. Look a-round,
  7     -6   7    -7     5   -7   7   -7    5
choose your own ground. For long you live, and
 -7   7  -7    -4   -6     -7    -6   -7  -6
high you fly, and smiles you'll give and tears
  -7   -6    6  -6   -7    6   7   -7  6    5
you'll cry. All you touch and all you see, is
-6   -7   -6    5   6 -6  6 -8 7   7  -6  7 -7
all your life will ev-er be. Run, rab-bit run!
 7   -6  -8 7  -6   7  -8  7 -7    7  -6   7
Dig that hole, for-get the s-un. When at last
-6    7  -8 7 -7    7   -6    7    -6    7  -6
the work is done, don't sit down, it's time to
 7  -8  7   7  -7   5   -7   7   -7    5   -7
dig an-oth-er one. For long you live, and high 
 7   -7  -4  -6 -7 -6 -7   -6   -7  -6   -3
you fly, but on-ly if you ride the tide, and
 6    -6  -7  6   7   -7    6    -6  -7   -6   5
bal-anced on the big-gest wave, race to-wards an
 6  -6   6
ear-ly grave.
Жанр: Рок
Тип гармошки: Блюзовая
Сложность: Для начинающих

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