Break Thou The Bread Of Life

Break Thou The Bread Of Life

Break Thou The Bread Of Life


  5     4   5    6   -6   6    
Break Thou the bread of life

  5    4    5 -4
Dear Lord, to me 

 5   4    5      6   -6    6    
As Thou didst break the loaves

-6  -7   -6  6
Be-side the sea

-4   5  -5  -6   6   5   
Be-yond the sac-red page

6  -6   -6    -7
I seek Thee, Lord 

 7   6  5   -4   -5   -6  
My spir-it pants for Thee

-5  -4  6    4
 O liv-ing Word

Жанр: Религиозные
Тип гармошки: Блюзовая
Ключ гармошки: C

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