Born free-chromatic-

Born free-chromatic-

Автор мелодии: John Barry
Music: John Barry
Lyrics: Don Black
*= slide in

With best regards from Elsa the Lioness!

Prelude:  7  -5   6   5  -5   -4
          5 -4 5 -5 6 -5 6 -6*
 7    -5   -5   6  -5  5   -4    3
Born free, as free as the wind blows 
-5   6  -5  5   -6*   -5
As free as the grass grows 
-4     5   5  5  -4  -3     3
Born free to fol-low your heart

Interlude: 5 -4 5 -5 6 -5 6 -6*

 7    -5   -5    6  -5  5   -4     3
Live free, and beau-ty sur-rounds you 
-5    6    -5   5   -6*   -5
The world still a-stounds you 
-4    -5  -5   -5  6 -5 -6*
Each time you look at a star 

 -7    6     6   -6*  6     -5   -4..7
Stay free, where no walls divide you 
   7    -7   6 7 -7    7   -7
You're free as a roa-ring tide 
7   -7   7  -7  -7  7  -7
So the-re's no need to hide 
 7    -5   -5   6   -5   5   -4  3
Born free, and life is worth li-ving 
-5  6  -5   5  -6*  -5
But on-ly worth li-ving 
-4    7    7     7
If you're born free 

Interlude: 5 -4 5 -5 6 -5 6 -6*  and repeat III.

Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: F

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