Blue Yodel No. 1 (T For Texas)

Blue Yodel No. 1 (T For Texas)

Автор мелодии: Willie Nelson, Waylon Jennings
BLUE YODEL No. 1 (T For Texas)
By: Jimmie Rodgers
Hank Locklin, Billy Walker,
Willie Nelson, Waylon Jennings
Key: F

4  4   4  -3  4  4   4  -3  -2
T for Tex-as, T for Ten-nes-see 
3* 3  -1  -2  3* 3  -2  -1  -2
T for Tex-as, T for Ten-nes-see
3* 3   3   1
T for Thel-ma
-3   -3*   -4    4  4   4    4  -3 -2 -6…
that girl that made a wreck out of me 

-3-3* 4 -7 4 -3* 7  4  -3 -6
O    la-ee-oo la-ee-oo la-ee
-3 -3*   4    4   4  4  -3
If you don't want me ma-ma,
-3    4    4    4   -3  -2
You sure don’t have to stall
-2   -2  3   3*  3   -2  1*
Cause I can get more wom-en 
-2  -2  3*  3*  3    -2  -2   -2
than a pas-sen-ger train can haul
3*    3* 3*  3*  3    3  3
Cause I can get more wom-en 
-3  -3* 4   4   4    4   -3   -2 -6…
than a pas-sen-ger train can haul
-3-3* 4 -7 4 -3* 7  4  7  -6
O    la-ee-oo la-ee-oo la-ee
Жанр: Кантри
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: F

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