Blessed Assurance (chromatic) — HARMONICA.RU

Blessed Assurance (chromatic)

Автор мелодии: Alan Jackson
W: Fanny Crosby, Van Alstyne
M: Phoebe Knapp
Alan Jackson
Key: E

  3* -2*  2 -4   -4   -3 -4  4*  -4
Bless-ed as-sur-ance, Je-sus is mine! 
-4   3* -4  6    -5*  -5* 5* -4 -3* -4
Oh, what a fore-taste of glor-y di-vine! 
 3* -2*  2  -4  -4   -3   -4   4* -4
Heir of sal-va-tion, pur-chase of God, 
 2  -2*  3*  -3 -2*    2   -2* -1*   2
Born of His Spir-it, washed in His blood. 

 -4  -4 -4  6  -4   4*  -4 -3  -4
This is my sto-ry, this is my song, 
 -4    3* -4  5*  6   -5* -5*  5*  -5*
Prais-ing my Sav-ior, all the day long. 
-5*  6 -6*  6  -4   4*  -4 -3  -4
This is my sto-ry, this is my song, 
  2   -2* 3* -3  -2*   2  -2* -1*   2
Prais-ing my Sav-ior, all the day long.
Жанр: Религиозные
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: E

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