Billy Richardson’s Last Ride

Billy Richardson’s Last Ride

Автор мелодии: Cleburne C. Meeks. 1926
Interpretation by Jim Rumbaugh 3-2009 by request
This a favorite of The Harmonica Club of Huntington WV. In the
complete song, Huntington is mentioned twice. or

4  -4  5    5   5   5  6   5     
Bil-ly Rich-ard-son at Hin-ton 

4   -4     4  4    3    4
was called to take the run,

4  5    5    5   5   6     5     
To pull the fast-est mail-train 

4   -4   -4   -4  5    -4
from there to Hun-ting-ton;

4   5    5   5  5  6    5  
His fire-man he re-port-ed 

4   -4 4  4  3    4
for du-ty on the line,

4    5    6   6     -6    6   5  
Then read-ing their train or-ders 

4    5   4   -4    -3  4
left Hin-ton right on time.
Жанр: Фолк
Сложность: Для начинающих

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