Annie Laurie (Part 1)

Annie Laurie (Part 1)

Annie Laurie

 4   4    4   7     7  -7  -6      
Max Well-ton braes are bonnie 
-6     6  5    5   -4  4   5  -4
where ear-ly falls the___ dew.___
 5   -4    4    4    7  7  -7 -6
And it`s there that An-nie Laurie 
 -6   6  5   5   -4   4
gave me her pro-mise true,
 6    7  7   -8 -8   8
gave me her promise true, 
 6      7    7  -8   -8   8
which ne'er for-got shall be.
 8  -8  7   -7  -6  -7   7 -6   6  5
And for bon-nie bon-nie An-nie Lau-rie 
5 -4 4  7   5  5   -4   4
I' d lay__ me doon and dee.
Жанр: Фолк
Тип гармошки: Блюзовая

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