Angel Eyes (chromatic) — HARMONICA.RU

Angel Eyes (chromatic)

Автор мелодии: Frank Sinatra
W: Earl Brent
M: Matt Dennis
Frank Sinatra
Key: Eb

 4    4   4   4  -3* -1* -1*
Hey drink up all you peo-ple
4   4  4 -3*  4   -3* -1*
Or-der an-y-thing you see
 4   -4  -3  -4  -3 -1  -1
Have fun you hap-py peo-ple
 2   -2*  -2* -2*   -2*  -2* 3
The drink and the laugh’s on me

 1  3   -2*   -2   -1*   -1* 1  -1*
Try to think that love's not a-round
  1   -1*  3  -5   -5    4   3
Still it's un-com-fort-‘bly near
1   3   -2*   -2   -1*  -1*  1  -1*
My old heart ain't gain-ing no ground
1   -1*  1 -1*  1   -1*  -1*    1
Be-cause my an-gel eyes ain't here

1   3   -2*   -2  -1* -1* 1  -1*
An-gel eyes, that old dev-il sent
 1    -1* 3   -5 -5  4    3
They glow un-bear-a-bly bright
 1   3 -2*  -2  -1* -1*    1   -1*
Need I say that my love's mis-spent
 1   -1*   1   -1* 1   -1* -1*  1 
Mis-spent with an-gel eyes to-night

4    4   4   4  -3* -1* -1*
So drink up all you peo-ple
4   4  4 -3*  4   -3* -1*
Or-der an-y-thing you see
 4   -4  -3  -4  -3 -1  -1
Have fun you hap-py peo-ple
 2   -2*  -2* -2*   -2*  -2* 3
The drink and the laugh’s on me

 1   3 -2* -2 -1*-1* 1  -1*
Par-don me but I got-ta run
 1   -1*   3  -5  -5  4    3
The fact's un-com-mon-ly clear
 1  3   -2*  -2   -1*  -1*  1  -1*
Got-ta find who's now “num-ber one”
 1  -1* 1  -1* 1  -1*  -1*    1
And why my an-gel eyes ain't here
  -1*  1   -1*  1 -3* 3 -2 3
‘Scuse me while I dis-ap-pear
Жанр: Джаз
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: Eb

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