And the Angels Sing

And the Angels Sing

Автор мелодии: Johnny Mercer, Ziggy Elman
7   -5* -5*  7  -6  -5*  7
We meet and the an-gels sing

 7  -6  -5*  -6   7   -7*   8   7
The an-gels sing the sweet-est song 

-5*  7 -5   -5*
I've e-ver heard

(Same as above)
You speak and the angels sing
Or am I reading music 
Into ev-‘ry word? 

 9  -9* 9*  9   9*  9   -7*  -7*
Sud-den-ly the set-ting is strange

-7 -7*  9  9*  9  -7*  -7    7     6   6*
 I can see wa-ter and moon-light beam-ing

-7* -8*  -7*   -7*  -8*
Sil-ver waves that break 

-7* -7  7  -7  -7  -8*  -8* 7
On some un-dis-co-vered shore

 8   -7   8  -7*  -7 -8* -7  7    7
Then sud-den-ly    I see it all change

 7   -7  -7*  -8*
Long win-ter nights 

 -7*  -7   7   -5    5
With cand-les gleam-ing

   5    -5 -6    7    -5   -6  6 -4  4
Through it all, your face that I  a-dore 

(First four lines same as first verse.)
You smile and the an-gels sing
And though it's just a gentle murmur 
At the start
We kiss and the angels sing

-7*   7*    7   -6 -5*
And leave their mu-sic 

 -6  7*  -8 -9* -9*
Ring-ing in my heart 

Composed by Johnny Mercer and Ziggy Elman, performed by Frank Sinatra,
Diana Jean Krall, Bing Crosby, Benny Goodman.
Жанр: Джаз
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: C

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