Автор мелодии: Graham Kendrick
Probably best played in the key of D, but C will play it ok still.
Graham Kendrick - Amazing Love
-4 5 5 5 -4 -5
My Lord, What love is this
-4 -4 -5 -5 5 5
That pays so dearly
-4 5 5 5 -4 -5
That I, the guilty one
-6 6 7
May go free!
76o-6 6 -5 6 6 4 4
Amazing love, O what sacrifice
7 6o -6 6 -5 6 6
The Son of God given for me
7 6o -6 6 -5 6 6 4 4
My debt he pays, and my death he dies
5 -55-4 -6 6 5 -55-4 7 7
That I might live, that I might live
And so they watched him die
Despised, rejected
But oh, the blood he shed
Flowed for me!
And now, this love of Christ
Shall flow like rivers
Come wash your guilt away
Live again!
A note on the 6 overblow: I dont know how to use it. I generally try
to play 2 holes at once to produce the note. Here its tricky because
the melody really hangs on that note. If you play a 7 with a hint of
the 8 hole it should sound good. Remember, you dont want a 7 sound.
You want something that is distinctively higher than a 6 (which is
the next note) and a 7 (which is the preceding note). Those of you who
know music theory or a fair bit about harmonica must be rolling yer
eyes at me. Haha.