After You’ve Gone (chromatic)

After You’ve Gone (chromatic)

Автор мелодии: Frank Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald
By: Creamer & Layton
Frank Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald
Key: Bb

3  -3*   4     -5   5   -5  5  -5  5
Af-ter you've gone and left me cry-in',  
-1 -2    3     -3     3    -3 3  -3 3
Af-ter you've gone there's no de-ny-in',  
  3     -5   -5     3     4    4
you'll feel blue, you'll feel sad.  
  -2    3   -2   -3  -2   3
You'll miss the dear-est pal 
  -2  -3* -1 -2
you've ev-er had.  
   3     -3*  4  -5    5   -5    5  -5  5
There'll come a time, now don't for-get it.  
  -1      -2  3  -3    
There'll come a time 
 3    -3    3   -3  3
when you'll re-gret it,  
 -5* -5    4   -2*  3    -5  5
Some-day, when you grow lone-ly  
 5*   -5   -3*    4    -4   4
Your heart will break like mine  
-3   -3*    1*  -1 -3 3
and you'll want me on-ly 
-2  3   -3*    -5
af-ter you've gone,  
-1* -2   -3    4  -5 -5-3*
af-ter you've gone a-way.  

3  -3*  4   -5   5 -5  5   -5   5
Af-ter I’m gone af-ter we break up 
-1 -2   3   -3    3    -3  3   -3  3
Af-ter I’m gone you’re gon-na wake up 
 3   -5   -5   3   4     4
You will find you were blind 
-2  3   -2  -3 -2  3   -2    -3*   -1   -2
to let some-bod-y come and change your mind 
3  -3*  4   -5     5    -5  5   -5  5
Af-ter the years we’ve been to-geth-er 
 -1   -2   3   -3    3   -3   3   -3   3
their joy and tears all kinds of weath-er 
 -5* -5   4   -2*  3    -5   5
Some-day blue and down-heart-ed 
  5*    -5  -3* 4  -4  4
You’ll long to be with me 
 -3   -3*    1*  -1   -3   3
right back where you start-ed 
-2  3  -3*  -5
Af-ter I’m gone 
-1* -2 -3   4  -5-5-3*
Af-ter I’m gone a-way
Жанр: Джаз
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: Bb

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