I Wonder Who’s Kissing Her Now

I Wonder Who’s Kissing Her Now

Автор мелодии: Ray Charles
Слова: Will Hough & Frank Adams
Музыка: Joseph Howard

-3   -3*   4    -5  -4   4
You have loved lots of girls 
-5 -4    4    -5  6 -6
in the sweet long a-go,
 7   -7   8  -7    7    -6  6  -6 -7
And each one has meant Heav-en to you.
-7   -7   -8    -7  7  -5   -5
You have vowed your af-fec-tion 
-5  -8  -7  7   -5
to each one in turn,
 6   -6    7   -7  -6   7   -7   -6  7
And have sworn to them all you'd be true.
-3   -3*   4      -5   -4   4
You have kissed 'neath the moon 
 -5   -4    4     -5   6   -6
while the world seemed in tune
 7    -7     8   -7  7   -6  6 -6   -7
Then you've left her to hunt a new game,
 -7  -7 7  -7 -8 -7  7  -8  -7  7   -8 -77
Does it ev-er oc-cur to you la-ter, my boy,
 6     -6   7    -7  -8 -7   7   8
That she's prob-‘bly do-ing the same.

5 -7   8   -7    7    8   7  -6
I won-der who's kiss-ing her now,
-6  -7   -6     6   -7   6  -5
Won-der who's teach-ing her how,
-7*  -9  -7*   -7   8  -7  7 -6   -5
Won-der who's look-ing in-to her eyes
  -7    7    7     -9   9*  8
Breath-ing sighs, tell-ing lies;
5 -7   8   -7    7   8   7   -6
I won-der who's buy-ing the wine,
 5   -6   -7 -6  6   -7  6    -5
For lips that I used to call mine,
-5   6  -6  7  -6 7   -7    8  10 -9
Won-der if she ev-er tells him of me,
-7 8  -7*  -5    -7   7   8  -6
I won-der who's kiss-ing her now.

If you want to feel wretched 
and lonely and blue,
Just imagine the girl you love best
In the arms of some fellow 
who's stealing a kiss
From the lips that you once fondly pressed.
But the the world moves a pace 
and the loves of today
Flit away with a smile and a tear.
So you never can tell who is kissing her now,
Or just whom you'll be kissing next year.


Примеры иcполнений мелодии

Жанр: Джаз
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: F

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