Haunted Heart

Haunted Heart

Автор мелодии: Frank Sinatra
W: Howard Deitz
M: John Green
Frank Sinatra
Key: Eb

-1* -2  -2       3    -1* -2  1
In the night, though we're a-part
  -1*  -2  -2   3   3
There's a ghost of you 
 3*  3* -3* -3*  4   -2
With-in my haunt-ed heart.
  3* -3* -3*  4   -5  -5*  5
Ghost of you, my lost ro-mance, 
 -5   -5*   5     -3*  -3*  -3*
Lips that laugh, eyes that dance.

 -1*  -2  -2     3   -1* -2 1
Haunt-ed heart won't let me be, 
 -1*   -2  -2  3   3    3*  3* -3* -3*  4  3
Dreams re-peat a sweet but lone-ly song to me.
  3*   -3* -3*
Dreams are dust; 
 4    4  -5   -5  -5* -5* -6 -3*
it's you who must be-long to me
-3*   -5   5    5  -3*  -3*
And thrill my haunt-ed heart,
3    3    -2  -2   -1* -1*
Be still, my haunt-ed heart.

 -5   -5*  -5  -5  -5* -6  -5  5   -5  3
Time rolls on, try-ing in vain to cure me
 5  -5   5
You are gone
 5  -5  -5*  5  -3*  4 -1*
But you re-main to lure me
  -2     3   -2  3   3*   3  3* -3*
You’re there in the dark and I call
 -3*     4   -3*   4    -5    5   -5 -5*
You’re there but you’re not there at all
-6  -5   5  -3* 3  -2  -2   3
Oh what will I do with-out you,
 -2  -2   3
With-out you
Жанр: Джаз
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: Eb

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