It Never Entered My Mind (chromatic)

It Never Entered My Mind (chromatic)

Автор мелодии: Miles Davis
W: Lorenz Hart
M: Richard Rogers
Miles Davis
Key: F

 -3 -3   -3     -3 -3   3   -2   2   2
Once I laughed when I heard you say-ing
 -2   2  -1   1   1  -2  2   1
That I'd be play-ing sol-i-taire
-2  2 -1 1  1  -2  2   1
Un-eas-y in my eas-y chair
-1 -2  3  -3  -2   -3   3
It nev-er en-tered my mind.
 -3  -3   -3  -3 -3 3  -2   2  2
Once you told me I was mis-tak-en
 -2   2 -1  1  1   -2   2   1
That I'd a-wak-en with the sun
-2  2  -1  1   1    -2    2   1
And or-der or-ange juice for one.
-1 -2  3  -3  -2   -3  4
It nev-er en-tered my mind.
-5   -2   -2  2  3    -2  -2
You have what I lack, my-self
 2  -3 -3 -3*-3*  4  4
And now I ev-en have to 
  -5    -5  6   5   5
scratch my back my-self.

 -3  -3    -3   -3  -3  3  -2     2    2
Once you warned me that if you scorned me,
-2   2   -1    1   1    -2    2   1
I'd sing the maid-en's pray’r a-gain
 -2  2    -1   1   1     4  -3* -3
And wish that you were there a-gain
-3* -3 3  -2 2   -2  2  2
To get in-to my hair a-gain.
-1 -2  3  -3  -2   3   -2
It nev-er en-tered my mind.
-1 -2  3  -3  -2   3   -2
It nev-er en-tered my mind.
Жанр: Джаз
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: F

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