Smile (chromatic)

Smile (chromatic)

Автор мелодии: Nat King Cole, Michael Jackson
W: John Turner & Geoffrey Parsons
M: Charles Chaplin
Nat King Cole, Michael Jackson
From: “Modern Times”
Key: F

 -2    3    -3    3   -2  2  -1
Smile tho’ your heart is ach-ing. 
  2   -2 3  -2    2    -1    1  
Smile ev-en tho’ it's break-ing. 
 -1    2   -2    -1   2  -2   3
When there are clouds in the sky,  
  -3   -3* -2*
you'll get by, 
3  -3   -3*     4     -5   4   -3* -3   3
If you smile through your fear and sor-row 
 -3*   4   4* 4 -3* -3   3
Smile and may-be to-mor-row 
  -3   -3* -3  -3*  -3    
You'll see the sun comes  
 3   -2   3   -1  -3
shin-ing thru for you. 

 -2   3   -3   3    -2   2    -1
Light up your face with glad-ness. 
 2   -2  3   -2   2  -1   1
Hide ev-‘ry trace of sad-ness, 
-1  2  -2  -1   2  -2 3  -3 -3* -2*
Al-tho’ a tear may be ev-er so near 
  3    -3   -3*  4   -5   4  -3* -3   3
That's the time you just keep on try-ing 
 -3*     4     4*  4 -3* -3   3
Smile, what's the use of cry-ing, 
  -3    -3*  -3   -3* -3   3    -2     3
You'll find that life is still worth-while 
-1   -3    -3   -2
If you’ll just smile.
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: F

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