Keep Me Safe O God I Pray (tremolo)

Keep Me Safe O God I Pray (tremolo)

Автор мелодии: Stephen Pearson
This is tabbed for a 24 hole Echo Celeste tremolo

 5   5-5  6    7  7 -6  6
Keep me  safe, O God I pray.
-6   6  -5  5  5   -3    5 -4
You are my refuge, now, always.
5  5  -5    6   7   7   -6   6
Apart from You I’ve no good thing.
-6  6   -5  5   -4  5
To You, my Lord, I sing.
7   7  -6   6      7  7   6    -6
As for the saints now in this land,
 -6  -6   6   -5 5    -3   5 -4
They are your glory, your delight.
 5   5   -5 6  7  7 -6   6
Help me become a better man.
 -6  6  -5 5   -4      5
Help me to do what’s right.

Verse 2:
I praise the Lord who counsels me.
Even at night, God’s light I see.
With confidence how firm my stand
With God at my right hand!
Therefore my heart is glad in You.
Therefore my body rests secure.
O God, your love is fast and true.
You are my life’s pleasure.
Жанр: Религиозные
Тип гармошки: Тремоло
Сложность: Для начинающих
Ключ гармошки: C

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