With A Song In My Heart (chromatic)

With A Song In My Heart (chromatic)

Автор мелодии: Ella Fitzgerald, Frank Sinatra
W: Lorenz Hartr
M: Richard Rogers
Ella Fitzgerald, Frank Sinatra
Key: Eb

  -1* -2  3    3   3*  -3* -3* 4    4*
Though I know that we meet ev-‘ry night 
 4  -3*  3*   3*  -3*    4      
And we could-n’t have changed 
  4   -5   -6   -5*
since the last Time 
-5 4  -3* -3* -5* -1*
To my joy and de-light 
 -2  3  3*  3*  4   -2  -2   3    -1*
it’s a new kind of love at first sight 
  -1*   -2   3   3   3* -3*-3*  4   4*
Though it’s you and it’s I all the time 
4  -3*  3*   3*  -3* 4   4  -5  -6   -5*
Ev’-ry meet-ing’s a mar-vel-ous pas-time 
  4*   -4  -3*  -3* -5* -1*
You’re in-creas-ing-ly sweet 
-2  3   3* 3* 4  -2  -2  3   -1*
So when-ev-er we hap-pen to meet 
2  -2   -4
I greet you 

-3* -3  4  -3* -3  -3* 
With a song in my heart 
-3* -3  4  -3* -3 -3* 3* 3   3*  
I  be-hold your a-dor-a-ble face 
 3  -2* 3*  3  -2*   3
Just a song at the start 
 3  -2* 3*  3 -2* 3   -2   2   -2
But it soon is a hymn to your grace 
 -1* -1  -2 -1*   4
When the mu-sic swells 
 4    4   -5  -5*   5
I'm touch-ing your hand 
5    5    -5   -5*   5   -5   3    3*
It tells that your stand-ing near and 
-3* -3   4   -3* 3*   -3*
At the sound of your voice 
-3* -3  4  -3*  -3  -3*  3*  3  3*
Hea-ven op-ens it’s por-tals to me 
 3 -2* 3*   3  -2*  3
Can I help but re-joice 
 3  -2* 3*   3   -2*  3   -2  2  -2
That a song such as ours came to be 
-1*-1 -2  -1*  4
But I al-ways knew 
-3* -3   4    -3*   -5*
I would live life through 
 -5* -5 -6 -5* -5  -5   -6  -5*
With A Song In My Heart for you

Жанр: Джаз
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: Eb

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