We Thank Thee O God For A Prophet

We Thank Thee O God For A Prophet

Автор мелодии: William Fowler & Caroline Sheridan Norton
We Thank Thee O God For A Prophet

4 -4 5   5 -4  4 -4  5-5  6   5   4  -4   5   5 -4 
We thank thee, O God, for a proph-et To guide us in

5      6   5   -4    4 -4 5    5  -4    4 -4 5 -5    6 -6
These lat-ter days.  We thank the for send-ing the gos-pel 

-6-6 6    6 -6   6     6   -5   5      6  7     7    7 -7 -6 -6
To light-en our minds with its rays.  We thank thee for ev-e-ry 

6      5   4   -4  5 5 -4   5    6  5   -4    6  7    7 7
bless-ing Be-stowed by thy boun-te-ous hand. We feel it a
-7    -6  -6   6    5    4-4 5   6 -5 -4   5  -4   4
plea-sure to serve thee And love to o-bey thy com-mand.
Жанр: Религиозные
Тип гармошки: Блюзовая
Сложность: Для начинающих
Ключ гармошки: G

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