Three Little Fishes (Itty Bitty Poo)

Three Little Fishes (Itty Bitty Poo)

Автор мелодии: The Andrew Sisters, Glenn Miller
By: Saxie Dowell
Glenn Miller, The Andrew Sisters
Key: F

 -2  -2 -2  -3  -3
Down in the mea-dow 
-3 -3 -3* -3* -3* -3* 4
in a  lit-tle bit-ty pool
 4    -2   -2  -2   -3  -3
Swam three lit-tle fish-ies 
-3 -3 -3*-3* -3*-3*  4  
and a ma-ma fish-ie too
 -2    -2  -2  -3 -3  -3  -3
Swim! said the ma-ma fish-ie, 
-3* -3* -3* -4
Swim if you can!
-3*  -3*   4   4   4     4
And they swam and they swam 
 4  4 -3* -3  -2
all ov-er the dam

 -2   -2  -3  -3  -3  -3  -3* -3*   4
Boop boop dit-tum dat-tum wat-tum, choo 

-4  -4   4   4   4   4
And dey fam and dey fam 
 4  4 -3* -3 -2
all ov-er de dam

Stop! said the mommy fishy, 
You'll get lost!
But the three little fishes 
didn't want to be bossed
So the three little fishes 
set off on a spree
And they swam and they swam 
right out to the sea

Whee yelled the fishes, 
oh here's a lot of fun.
Swim in the sea 'til the day is done
So they swam and they swam, 
it was all, a lark.
'Til all of a sudden they saw a shark.

Whoa(?) cried the fishes, 
oh look at the whales
Quick as they could 
they turned on their tails
Back to the pool in the meadow they swam
And swam and swam back over the dam.
Жанр: Детские мелодии
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: F

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