The Picture That I s Turned Toward The

The Picture That I s Turned Toward The

Автор мелодии: Wall Vernon Dalhart
By: Charles Graham
Vernon Dalhart
Key: Bb

-2 -1* -1 -2  -1* -3   -2  -3*
Far a-way be-yond the glam-our 
-3* 4  -5 -2  3   -3   -3*
of the cit-y and it’s strife
  -3*  -3  3 -2*  3  -3*  -2   -2   3  -3*  4
There's a qui-et lit-tle home-stead by the sea,
 -2  -1* -1 -2   -1*  3  -2  -3*  
Where a ten-der, lov-ing las-sie 
-3*  4   -5 -2  2  -2  3
used to live a hap-py life
3   3   -2  3  -3 -3*  4   -5  4   -2  -3*
As con-tent-ed in her home as she could be;
-3* 4  -5  4 -3* -3   -3
Not a shad-ow ev-er seemed 
3   -2*   3  -5    4  -3* -3    3
to cloud the sun-shine of her youth
-2*  3     4   4  -3* -3   -3    3   -3  3   -2
And they tho't no sor-row could her life be-fall,
-2  -1*  -1   -2  -1*  3  -2   -3*
But she left them all one eve-ning 
-3*   4   -5    -5    -5* -5    3
and their sad hearts knew the truth
 3    3  -3  -3    3*   -3  -5*  -5  -5  4  -3* 
When her fa-ther turned her pic-ture to the wall.

  -3*   4  -5    -5   -3* 3   3  -2  
There's a name that's nev-er spo-ken
-5 -5  -5*  -5*  -3*   3    3  -2 
And a moth-er's heart half bro-ken
 -2   -1* -1  -1* -2 3   -2  -3*
There is just an-oth-er miss-ing 
-3*   4  -5   4     4   3   4
from the old home, that is all.
 -3*  4   -5  -5 -3*  3   3  -2 
There is still a mem-‘ry liv-ing
  -3*  -5 -6  -5  -5* -5   4   3
There's a fa-ther, un-for-giv-ing,
 3  3 -3   -3   3*  -3  -5*   -5  -5   4  -3* 
And a pic-ture that is turned to-ward the wall.

They have laid a-way each tok-en 
of the one who ne'er re-turns,
Ev-'ry tok-en, ev-'ry rib-bon that she wore,
Though it seems so long a-go now, 
yet the lamp of hope still burns
And her moth-er prays to see her child once more.
Though no tid-ings ev-er reach them 
what her life or lot may be,
Though they some-times think 
she's gone be-yond re-call,
There's a ten-der re-col-lec-tion 
of a face they nev-er see,
In the pic-ture that is turned toward the wall.

Жанр: Кантри
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: Bb

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