Sweet Surrender

Sweet Surrender

Автор мелодии: John Denver
6    6   6 6  -6  -7    7  7 7   7 -8
Lost and alone on some forgotten highway
  8   8    8  8-8   8  9  -9  8  -8
Travelled by many remembered by few
  6 6   -6    -7  -7   7  -8 -8    8 -9  -8
Lookin` for something that I can believe in
 6  6   -6    -7  -7   -8   -9   8  -8  8
Lookin` for something that I`d like to do~~~~
 -8  -7   6
with my life
   6      6 6    6  6  -6  7  7     7    7  -8  8
There`s nothin` behind me nothin` that ties me to
  8   8     8    8    -8    8    9   -9 8 -8
something that might have been true yesterday
  6 6  6 -6 -7-7  -8    -8   -8  -8  8  -9    8
Tomorrow is open right now seems to be more than 
 -8-9    -9  -9   8  -8 8
enough  just be here today
 8  -8  7     6    6    6   -6-6  -7   7 7    7
And he don`t know what the future is holdin` in
   7  -8  -8     8    8    8  8-8    8   8    9
store, I don`t know where I`m goin` I`m not sure
 -9    8    -8
where I`ve been
   6    6   6 6   -6    -7   -7 7  -8    -8
There`s a spirit that guides me a light that 
   8   -9  -9  -9  -9  -9  -9    -9-9  -9 -9
shines for me, my life is worth livin` I don`t
 -9  -9 -9 8  7   7~~~~~~~~~
need to see  the end~~~~~~~~~~~~
9`~~~~~~~~    -10   9  -9 8~~~~~~  9~~~~~~
Sweet~~~~~~~ Sweet Surrender~~~~ live~~~~~
-10   9   -9   8~~~~~~~   9  9  9~~~~~~~
live with-out care~~~~~ like a fish ~~~~~~~
-9  -8  8 9~~~~~   9   9   9~~~~~  -9 -8   7~~~~~
in the water~~~~~ like a bird~~~~~ in the air~~~~
  9~~~~~~    9    9 -9 8~~~~~~   9~~~~~
Sweet~~~~~ Sweet Surrender~~~~~live~~~~~
-10   9   -9    8~~~~~~  9   9   9~~~~~~~
live with-out care~~~~~ like a fish~~~~~~
-9 -8   8 9~~~~~   9  9  9~~~~~~ -9  -8  7~~~~~~
in the water~~~~~like a bird ~~~~in the air~~~~~~
Жанр: Кантри
Тип гармошки: Блюзовая
Сложность: Для начинающих
Ключ гармошки: A

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