Still Crazy After All These Years

Still Crazy After All These Years

Автор мелодии: Paul Simon
By Paul Simon

I met my old lov-er
3 -4  -5  6  -5  -4
On the street last night
-3 -3    -3    2    3
She seemed so glad to see me
3     6    -5  -5  -4  4  -4
I just smiled
-4 -4    -4
And we talked a-bout some old times
3   3    -4  -5  6    7    6   -5
And  we drank our-selves some beers
-3* -3* -3*-3  3    3     2   3 -3
Still cra- zy  af-ter all these years
6     -5 -4-3  3   3  -4   -3    3
Whoa, still cra  -zy  af-ter all these years
7       6   -5  -3*-3  3  3  -4  -3 3    3

I’m not the kind of  man
3   -4   7   6   -5 -5-4
Who tends to soc-ial-ize
-3   -3   2   3   3   3
I seem to lean on
3  6   -5  -5  -4
Old fa-mil-iar ways
-4  -4 -3  -4   -4
And I ain’t no fool for love songs
3   3  -4   -5  6    7   6    -5
That whis-per in my ears
-3*   -3* -3  3  2  3 -3
Still  cra-zy  af-ter all these years
6     -5 -4-3  3   3  -4   -3     3
Whoa, still cra- zy   af-ter all these years
7       6   -5 -3*-3  3   3  -4   -3 3   3

Four in the morn-ing
7*   -6* 6   -5*  6
Crapped out, yawn-ing
-5*      6    -5*  6
Long-ing my life a—way
-6*   6  -5* -5* 4* -3*
I’ll nev-er wor-ry
7     -6 6  -5* 6
Why should I? 
-5*   6   -4-3-4-5
It’s all gon-na fade
3    -4  -3  -4 -2*
Now I sit by my win-dow
-4 -5  6  -5 -5 -5 -4-3
And I watch cars
-3 -3 -3 2   3
I fear I’ll do some dam-age
3  6    6   -5  -4   4  -4
One fine day
-3   -4  -4
But I would not be con-vict-ed
-3 -3  5*    6 -6* -7  -6*  6 
By a ju-ry of my peers
-4-4 -4 -3 4  4  -4-3
Still cra- zy   af-ter all  these years
-6*   6  5*-3   -3 -5   4*  -4-3   -3 
Whoa, still cra-zy  Still cra- zy
-7     -6*  6 4*-3   4*   -4 -2*-3
Still cra- zy   af-ter all these years
-6*   6  4*-4   -3 -5   4* -44*-4 -3
Жанр: Поп
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: G

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