Sing A Joyful Song

Sing A Joyful Song

Автор мелодии: Rick Founds
Sing A Joyful Song


 6   6  6   6   6   -5 5  -6   6
Sing A joy-ful song un-to the Lord,

  6     6   5    -4   -4   4
Praise the Lord with glad-ness.___

-5  -5  -5    -5  -5  5  -4  5  -5
Sing a joy - ful song un-to the Lord,

-5  -5 5  -4     4   -4
For he a-lone    is God

 -4 -5 5  -4     4  4
For He a-lone__ is God.

 6       6     6    -5   5     -4   -4     4
Praise  Him! Praise the Lord  with Glad - ness

-5     -5  -5  -5 5  -4      4  4
Praise Him For He a-lone___ is God
Жанр: Религиозные
Тип гармошки: Блюзовая
Ключ гармошки: C

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