Protect Me From What I Want/Protege Moi

Protect Me From What I Want/Protege Moi

Автор мелодии: Placebo
Protege Moi by Placebo

Play on D harp.

  b   - blow hole b
 (b)  - draw hole b
((b)) - over-draw hole b one semitone

These are the short bits played after the verse/over the chorus:

(4) (6)  6 (6) x3 }Play this bit
(4) (6) (5) 6  x1 }over first chorus.

But on the second chorus and further add alittle bend -1 on the first
(4), like so:

((4)) (6)  6 (6) x3
((4)) (6) (5) 6  x1

This is however just my opinion, try it out and see how you like it.

And on the outro bit:
((4))----------- x3
 (5)  6   5  (5) x1
 (4) (6)  6  (6) x3
 (4) (6) (5)  6  x1
 (6)~~trem.~~~~~ until end then end on (4)

this is a great song I believe Brian Molko improvises on this ! so
it's a great idea to play this loosely and see what feels good =D

any comments:
Жанр: Рок
Тип гармошки: Блюзовая
Ключ гармошки: D

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