Please Mr. Sun (chromatic)

Please Mr. Sun (chromatic)

Автор мелодии: Tommy Edwards
W: Sid Frank
M: Ray Getzov
Tommy Edwards
Key: F

 -3  -3* 4    -2     3  -3   3
Talk to her please, Mis-ter Sun. 
  3   -3 -3*  -3* -3*  -3   4
Speak to her, Mis-ter Rain-bow. 
 4   -5   6  5  -3   -2    -3* -3*
And take her un-der your branch-es, 
-3   3    3
Mis-ter Tree. 
 -3  -3* 4  -2   3  -3    3
Whis-per to her Mis-ter Wind. 
  3  -3 -3* -3* -3* -3  4
Sing to her Mis-ter Rob-in. 
 4   -5  6    5   -3    -3* -2 3  -3   3  -2  
And Miss-us Moon-light, put in a word for me. 
 3   -3  -3* -3  3
Tell her how I feel. 
-3   -3   -3*  4   -3* -3
It should-n't end this way. 
 -3*   4  -5   4  -3     -2
Since you are all her friends, 
  3    -3  -3  -2  3   -3 -3 -3    3  -2  3
She'll lis-ten to what-ev-er you have to say. 
-3  -3* 4  -2    3  -3    3
Bab-ble to her, Mis-ter Brook. 
  3   3  -3  -3*  -3*  -3   4
Kiss her for me, Miss Rain-drop. 
 4    -5  6   5   -3  -2 -3*
And watch to see they all do, 
  2     -2   3  -2
Please, Mis-ter Sun.
Жанр: Любовные
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: F

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