

Автор мелодии: Sarah Vaughan
By: HJ Lengsfelder, Ervid Drake, Juan Tizol
Sarah Vaughan
Key: C

-1  -2  3
-1 -2   3  -1  -2    3    1  2  3
I look for my heart it's per-di-do
1  2   3   1   2   3  -1  -2  3
I lost it way down in Tor-ri-do
  -1   -2    3  6  -5   3  -3  5
While chanc-ing a dance fi-es-ta

-1 -2  3  
-1    -2    3  -1    -2    3  1  2  3
she glanced as she danced the Bo-le-ro
1  2    3   1   2  3  -1  -2  3
I said tak-ing off my som-bre-ro: 
  -1    -2   3  6  -5   3  -3  4
'Let's meet for a sweet si-es-ta'

 6   -4   5* -5   6   6   -6*   5*   -4
High was the sun when we first came close
-5  -3  -4   4    -5  -5   6 -4  -3
Low was the moon when we said a-dios

-1  -2  3
 -1    -2   3  -1  -2    3    1  2  3
since then has my heart been per-di-do
1  2   3  1   2  3  -1  -2  3
I know I must go to Tor-ri-do, 
 -1   -2    3  6   -5   3  -3 4
that yearn-ing to lose per-di-do
Жанр: Латинские
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: C

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