over the hills and faraway

over the hills and faraway

Автор мелодии: nightwish
they came for him one winter's night.
2    2    -3  -3  -4  -3  3    3

arrested, he was bound.
2 2  -3   -3 -4  -3 3

they said there'd been a robbery,
2    2    -3      -3  -4 -3 3 3

his pistol had been found.
6*  6* 5   -3  3    -3

they marched him to the station house,
2    2       -3  -3  -4 -3  3    3

he waited for the dawn.
2  2  -3  -3  -4  -3 3

and as they led him to the dock,
2   2  -3   -3  -3  -3 3   3

he knew that he'd been wronged.
6* 6*   5    -3   3    -3

"you stand accused of robbery,"
 3   -3     -3 -3  3  -3 -4 4

he heard the bailiff say.
-3 -3    3   2  3    -3 3

he knew without an alibi,
3  -3   -3 -3   3 -3 -4 4

tomorrow's light would mourn his freedom.
-3 -3 3     2    3     -3     3   2  3   


over the hills and far away,
-7 7 -7  6    -5 5 -5  6 6

for ten long years he'll count the days.
5   -5   6    6     7     7     6   -5

over the mountains and the seas,
-7 7 -7  6  -5  5   -5  6   6

a prisoner's life for him there'll be.
5  -5  6      6   7   7    6       -5

Жанр: Фолк
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: C

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