Once In Love With Amy

Once In Love With Amy

Автор мелодии: from: "Where's Charley?"
By Frank Loesser
From: “Where’s Charley?”
Key: G
-4  -3*  -4   3* -3 -1
Once in love with A-my, 
-5  -5  5*  -5   -4  4 -3
Al-ways in love with A-my
-4 -4 -3* -4 -5  3  -3  3 -2* 3  -1
Ev-er and ev-er fas-cin-at-ed by her, 
3     -3    3  -2* 3 -1 3  -3
sets your heart a-fire to stay.
-4     -3*    -4   3*-3 -1
Once you’re kissed by A-my, 
-5   -5  5*   -5   -4  4 -3
tear up your list it’s A-my
-4  -4   -3* -4   -5   3  -3 3   -2*  3    -1
Ply her with bon-bons, po-et-ry, and flow-ers, 
3   -3  3   -2*  3 -1 3 -4
moon a mil-lion hours a-way.
2    -3   -4   4    4*  -5   4  -4   -3 -2*-2*
You might be quite the fick-le-heart-ed rov-er 
-3  -2*   2  -3   -2*
so care-free and bold
2    -3  -4  4    4* -5  4   -4    -3 -2* 2
Who loves a girl and la-ter thinks it ov-er 
-2   -2*   -3   -5
and just quits cold.
4    -4 -3*  -4   3* -3 -1
But once in love with A-my, 
-5  -5  5*  -5   -4  4 -3
Al-ways in love with A-my
-4 -4 -3* -4 -5   3   -3   3   -2*  3     -1
Ev-er and ev-er sweet-ly you’ll ro-mance ‘er, 
3    -3  3  -2* 3   -1   3   -4 
Trou-ble is the an-swer will be
2   -3  -4    4  4*  -5  4   -4   -1  3
That A-my’d rath-er stay in love with me.

Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: G

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