Old Folks at Home (Chrom)

Old Folks at Home (Chrom)

Автор мелодии: Stephen Foster
Old Folks at Home (Chrom)

 6   -5  5  6   -5  5   8   -7  8   7    6  5 -5
Way down u-pon the Swa-nee Riv-er, far, far a-way,

  6       -5   5   6   -5   5   8  -7  8
There's where my heart is turn-ing ev-er,

  7       6    5   -5  -5     5                   
There's where the old folks stay.

 6  -5  5    6   -5   5    8 -7   8    
All up and down the whole cre-a-tion, 

 7   6 5  -5
sad-ly I roam,

  6    -5   5   6   -5  5    8  -7   8
Still long-ing for the old plan-ta-tion,

 7   6   5   -5  -5   -5   5
And for the old folks at home.

 -8  8    -9   7  7   -7    7  8  
All the world is sad and drear-y, 

 8  -7   -6 -7   7
ev-'ry where I roam;

 6   -5    5  6  -5   5     8    -7  8
Oh, broth-er how my heart grows wear-y

 7    6   5   -5  -5   -5   5
Far from the old folks at home.
Жанр: Фолк
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: C

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