Night Train

Night Train

Автор мелодии: Jimmy Forrest
By: Lewis Simpkins, Oscar Washington, 
    Jimmy Forrest
Jimmy Forrest
Key: C

  6     6      5   6   -5 5 -3* 3  -2 -1* -1
Night train, that took my ba-by so far a-way,
 -5*   -5*     5   6   -5 5 -3* 3  -2 -1* -1
Night train, that took my ba-by so far a-way,
 -5* -5*  5   6  -5   5   -3*  3   -2 -1* -1
Tell her, I love her more and more ev-‘ry day
3   4   4  -5*  -5*  5    5
My moth-er said I’d lose her
-3 3  4  4 -5* -5* 5   5
If I ev-er did a-buse her
  -3    3    4    4
Should have list-ened.
 3  4  4     -5*  -5*  5   5
Now I have learned my les-son,
-3   3   4  4  -5* -5*  5  5
My sweet ba-by was a bless-in’
  -3    3     4   4
Should have list-ened

  6     6      5      6   -5 5  -3  
Night train, please bring my ba-by 
 3    -2 -1* -1
back home to me
 -5*   -5*     5      6   -5 5  -3  
Night train, please bring my ba-by 
 3    -2 -1* -1
back home to me
 -5*   -5*   5    6   -5   5
She’s gone, the blues she left 
-3*    3   -3* -4  4       3    -3
just won’t set me free.  Night train
Жанр: Блюз
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: C

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