Night Swimming (For Arthur4080)

Night Swimming (For Arthur4080)

Автор мелодии: R.E.M


Dedicated to its Requestee 

  7    -7    7  -5   8    -8 7  -7  7
Night-swim-ming de-serves a qui-et night.

 -5  7   7   7   7   -7  -7    7
The pho-to-graph on the dash-board, 

-7   7  7   -7 7 
Tak-en years a-go,

  7    7    7    7   -5    7  -7
Turned a-round back-wards so the 

 -7    -8     7
Wind-shield shows.

8  8 -7    7     7   -6  7     -7  7   7
Ev-er-y street-light re-veals the pic-ture 

 7 -7   7
in re-verse.

  8     -8   7   7    -7   7
Still, it's so much clear-er.

7  7   7  -7   7    7  -5  -8  -8   7
I for-got my shirt at the wat-er's edge.

 -5   8  -8  7  -7   7
The moon is low to-night.

  7    -7    7  -5    8  -8  7  -7   7
Night-swim-ming de-serves a qui-et night.

 -5  7   7    7   -7    8  -8  7   -7   7
I'm not sure all these peo-ple un-der-stand.

 -5   8   -8    7  -7  7
It's not like years a-go,

 -5   7   7  7  -7    7
The fear of get-ing caught,

-5   8   -8    7   -5 -7  7
Of reck-less-ness and wa-ter.

 -7   8   -8   7 -7 -7  7
They can-not see me na-ked.

 -5      7      7   7 -7 7
These things, they go a-way,

-5   8    -8  7 -7  7
Re-placed by ev-ry-day.

  7    -7    7   -5  8  -8   7   -7   7
Night-swim-ming, re-mem-ber-ing that night.

 -5  7   7     7   -7   8
Sep-tem-ber's com-ing soon.

 7   8  -8   7   -7   7
I'm pi-ning for the moon.

 7    8  -8   7    -7   7
And what if there were two

  7   7   8  -8 -7  7
Side by side in or-bit

-5  8    -8  7   -5   -7
A-round the fair-est sun

 8     8       -8   7  -7 -7   7
That bright, tight for-ev-er drum

  -5   7   7    7    -7     7   7
Could not des-cribe night-swim-ming.

 -5  7     7  -7  -7   7
You, I thought I knew you.

 7  7  7   -7   7
You I can-not judge.

 8  -8    7     7   -7   7
You, I thought you knew me,

  7   7    7    -7   7    7  
This one laugh-ing quiet-ly 

 7  -5   8   -8   7
un-der-neath my breath.

  7    -7    7

 -5  7   7   7   -7    7
The pho-to-graph re-flects,

 7 -7    8    -8   7 -7  -7  7
Ev-ry street-light a re-min-der.

  7    -7    7  -5    8  -8  7  -7   7
Night-swim-ming de-serves a qui-et night, 

-5    8  -8  7  -7   7
de-serves a qui-et night.

Тип гармошки: Блюзовая
Ключ гармошки: G

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