Next Door To An Angel (12th pos)

Next Door To An Angel (12th pos)

Автор мелодии: Neil Sedaka
By: Neil Sedaka & Howard Greenfield
Key: C

This song is tabbed on a G diatonic

 4   4   4    4    4    4   -3”4  -4 -3”
I'm liv-ing right next door to an an-gel 
-3”-3” -3”   3    3 -3” -3”
and I just found out to-day 
 3  -3” -3’   4     4    4 -3” 4  -4 -3”
I'm liv-ing right next door to an an-gel 
-3” -3” -3” 3   3   3   3  -3”-3”3 
and she on-ly lives a house a-way 
-4   -4 -3” -3’ -4  4  -4  -4  4   4  -3”
She used to be just a skin-ny lit-tle girl 
-3” -3” 3 -3”-3”  3   -3”  -4  4   -4    -4 
But all of a sud-den she’s out of this world 
-3” -3’ -3   4    4     4 -3” 4  -4 -3”
I'm liv-in right next door to an an-gel 
-3”  3  -3” 3   -3”   3 -3” -3”  -2” 
And I'm gon-na make that an-gel mine 

  4   4  4  -3”   4   -4  -3” 
Since I saw her this morn-ing, 
-3” -3”  3    3  -3” -3”3
I'm on cloud num-ber nine 
  4     4  4  -3” 4 -4 -3”
There’s a gar-den of E-den 
-3”-3”   3     3    3 -3” -3”3 
at the house next door to mine 
-4 -4  4  -4   4  -4   4 -4  -3”
I took a look and oh what a shock 
-2” 3  -3”’-3”-3” -3”’-3”’-2”-2”  
To find a lit-tle bit of heav-en 
  -1  -4  4   -4
right on the block 
-3” -3’ -3   4     4   4  -3” 4  -4 -3”
I'm liv-in right next door to an an-gel 
-3”  3  -3” 3   -3”  3  -3” -3”  -2”
And I'm gon-na make that an-gel mine 

-2” 3  -3”  -3’    4   -4 -2” -2” -4 4  -4  -2”
I can't be-lieve that this is the girl next door 
-2”  4  4  -3’ -3’ -3”  3   3  -3” -4 -3” 3
Her fun-ny lit-tle face is-n't fun-ny no more 
 5    3   3   5  -4  5   3
Six-teen and oh what a dream 
 -4  -3”    4    -4  -3”    4
Ain't it strange how she changed 
-4 -3”  4  4  -3’ -3” 3  4
In-to such a love-ly an-gel 

 4  4     4  -3”  4    -4    -3”
Saw her walk-ing down main street 
-3”-3” -3”  -3” 3     3 -3” -3”3
and I could-n't be-lieve my eyes 
3    4  4  4  -3”  4   -4   -3”
It used to be such a plain street 
-3”  3    3   3 -3” -3”
but now it's par-a-dise 
-4 -4  4  -4  -4  4   -4  4  -4  -3”
I feel so hap-py I'm feel-in so good 
 3  -3”’-3” -3” 3  -2”-2” -1 -1   -4    4   -4
I'm the luck-i-est dev-il in the neigh-bor-hood 
-3” -3’-3    4     4    4 -3” 4  -4 -3”
I'm liv-in right next door to an an-gel 
-3”  3  -3”  3 -3”    3 -3” -3” -2”
And I'm gon-na make that an-gel mine 

-2” 3  -3”   -3’   4   -4 -2” -2” -4 4  -4  -2”
I can't be-lieve that this is the girl next door 
-2”  4  4  -3’ -3’ -3”  3   3  -3” -4 -3” 3
Her fun-ny lit-tle face is-n't fun-ny no more 
 5    3   3  5   -4  5   3
Six-teen and oh what a dream 
 -4  -3”    4    -4  -3”    4
Ain't it strange how she changed 
-4 -3”  4  4  -3’-3” 3   4
In-to such a love-ly an-gel
-3” -3’ -3   4    4    4  -3” 4  -4 -3”
I'm liv-in right next door to an an-gel 
-3”  3  -3” 3  -3”   3  -3” -3” -2”
And I'm gon-na make that an-gel mine
Жанр: 60-е
Тип гармошки: Блюзовая
Ключ гармошки: C

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