Money Money Money

Money Money Money

Автор мелодии: Abba
5 -5 -5  5  5 -5 -5  5  5 -5 -5  5  5 -6 -6  6

-8 -8 -8  7

 5 -5 -5  5  5 -5 -5  5  5 -5 -5  5  5 -6 -6  6

-9 -9 -9  8

-8 -8  7  7 -7 -7  7 -7 -6

-8 -8  7  7  7 -7 -7  7 -7 -6 -6 -6 -7 -7 -6 -6 -7 -7 -6 -6 -7

I work all night, I work all day, to pay the bills I have to pay
Ain't it sad
And still there never seems to be a single penny left for me
That's too bad
In my dreams I have a plan
If I got me a wealthy man
I wouldn't have to work at all, I'd fool around and have a ball...

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Жанр: Поп
Тип гармошки: Блюзовая
Сложность: Средняя
Ключ гармошки: C

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