Mingelwood Blues

Mingelwood Blues

Автор мелодии: Gus Cannon
By: Noah Lewis
Gus Cannon
Key: C

3   3 -3   4   -5* 5   6   5
Oh, I was born in the des-ert

3  3     4  -3* 3 -3* 4  3-22
I was raised in a li-on’s den
3   3 -3   4   -5* 5  -5*  5
Oh, I was born in the des-ert
3 -3    4    -4  3  -4  4  3-22
I was raised in the li-on’s den
 2  2   3    3  -3 3 -3*  4
And my reg-‘lar oc-cu-pa-tion

3  -2  2   -2  2    3    2    1
Is tak-in’ wom-en from their men.

Don’t ever let no woman worry your mind (2X)
‘Cause she will keep you ragged
and funny all the time.

Well, if you go to Memphis,
Please stop at Mingelwood (2X)
'Cause the women in the camp
don’t mean no man no good.
Жанр: Блюз
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: C

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