Martin Cobbler

Martin Cobbler


 4   5   4   4   5    6    6  -5  5   4
Mar-tin the cob-bler sits by the win-dow

  6    6   -5   5   4  4   4   
Watch how his work is nim-ble 

 4   -4  4  5   4    4   5
and neat o-ver his head the

 6   6   -5   5   4   6   6   
Peo-ple are pass-ing mar-tin 

 -5   5    4   -4  -5  5   -4    4
can tell them sim-ply by their feet


6   -6    6  5    -5    6   
He tell them by their boots 

6    -6    6   5   -5    6   -6
he tells them by their boots he

 6  -5  5     -4   5   4    
Nev-er sees their fac-es  

  -5    6    -5   5  -4   5  4
their heels and toes and la-ces

  -5    6    -5    5    -4  5  4
there heels and   toes and la-ces


  4    5    4    4   5   6   6   -5   5   4
These are some boots he fit-ted with toe caps

   6    6  -5   5     4  4   4   
Theses he had sewed when-ev-er 

  4   -4     4    5   4    4   5
they split these need-ed heels and

-4  -5    5   -4    4
so that they would fit

  6    6   -5   5   4    6    6   -5   5    4   
Those need-ed patch-es these need-ed patch-ing  

Жанр: Детские мелодии
Тип гармошки: Блюзовая
Сложность: Для начинающих
Ключ гармошки: F

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