

Автор мелодии: Jack Hayford
7  6   6   7    7   7   7 -6  -6  
Maj-es-ty, wor-ship His maj-es-ty

7  -8  8  8  6   6    7  7
Un-to Je-sus be all glo-ry,

 7  -6   7   -8  
hon-or and praise

 7  6   6    7   7   7  7  -6  -6  
Maj-es-ty, king-dom au-thor-i-ty

 -9    8  -8    8 
flow from His throne

8  -8  7  -8   -8   7  -7    7
un-to His own, His an-them raise.

-7  7 -8   -5   -6  7  -8  
So ex-alt, lift up on high

-8    7  -8  8  7
the name of Je-sus

-7   7 -8   -5 -6   7 -8  
Mag-ni-fy, come glo-ri-fy

  -8   -8  7  -8     8 
Christ Je-sus the King

 7   6  6    7  7    7  7   -6 -6  
Maj-es-ty, wor-ship His maj-es-ty

-9  8   -8   8    8  -8  7  -8  
Je-sus who died, now glo-ri-fied,

 -8   7  -7   7
King of all kings.
Жанр: Религиозные
Тип гармошки: Блюзовая
Сложность: Для начинающих
Ключ гармошки: A

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