Let The Rest Of The World Go By

Let The Rest Of The World Go By

Автор мелодии: Willie Nelson, Ringo Starr
Слова: J. Keirn Brennan 
Музыка: Ernest R. Ball
Тайминг: 3/4

-1*   4    4   -4   4  -1*-3*  -3* -3   -3*
With some-one like you, a pal good and true
-1*  -3* -3  -3*  4  -5* 4*  4
I'd like to leave it all be-hind, 
-3* 3* -3*  4
and go and find
 3*   -2     3*     4*  -2 -1* 3* 4
Some place that's known to God a-lone
 -3* 4  -3* -2  3    3* -3*
Just a spot to call our own

 -4    4    4   -4    4
We'll find per-fect peace, 
 -1*   -3* -3* -3  -3*
where joys nev-er cease
-1*  -3*  -3  -3*  4  -5* 4*  4
Out there be-neath a kind-ly sky
 -1*   -1  -1*  4    4  -4   4
We'll build a sweet lit-tle nest, 
-1*   -3* -3* -3  -3* 
Some-where in the West
-3* -3  -3*  -5* -3* 4    4*  4  3*
And let the rest of the world go by
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: Ab

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