Jesus Holy, Born So Lowly (chromatic)

Jesus Holy, Born So Lowly (chromatic)

Автор мелодии: Polish Christmas Carol
Trad. Polish Christmas Carol
Key: G

-1 -1  3  3   -2*  3  -3  -3
Je-sus Ho-ly, born so low-ly,
-4  5    -5   5  -4  -3   3 
We will sing you car-ols gay.
-1 -1   3    3   -2*   3   -3  -3
Je-sus dear-est, pre-cious In-fant,
 -4  5  -5   5    -4   -3  3
Come to us from Heav'n to-day.

 -5    5     -4   5   6  -5  5-4  4
Shep-herds, join the joy-ful cho-rus,
   4   -4   4  -3  -5    5  -4-3 -4 
Heav’n-ly love is reign-ing o'er us,
  3  -2*  2   4  -4 -3  3
Here ap-pear-ing as a Babe.

 -5    5     -4   5   6  -5  5-4  4
Shep-herds, join the joy-ful cho-rus,
   4   -4   4  -3  -5    5  -4-3 -4 
Heav’n-ly love is reign-ing o'er us,
  3  -2*  2   4  -4 -3  3
Here ap-pear-ing as a Babe.

-1 -1    3    3  -2*  3   -3   -3
On the straw the Babe is sleep-ing,
-4  5  -5   5  -4  -3   3
In the hum-ble man-ger bed.
-1 -1  3   3   -2*  3   -3  -3
Mar-y lov-ing watch is keep-ing
-4  5   -5   5    -4  -3   3 
An-gels hov-er 'round His head.

 -5    5   -4  5  6 -5 5-4 4
Shep-herds bow in a-do-ra-tion,
  4   -4   4      -3  -5  5 -4-3 -4
Prais-ing God's sweet ben-e-dic-tion
 3  -2* 2   4    -4  -3  3   
That up-on the earth is shed.

-5    5   -4  5  6 -5 5-4 4
Shep-herds bow in a-do-ra-tion,
  4   -4   4      -3  -5  5 -4-3 -4
Prais-ing God's sweet ben-e-dic-tion
 3  -2* 2   4    -4  -3  3   
That up-on the earth is shed.
Жанр: Рождественские
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: G

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