It came upon the midnight clear

It came upon the midnight clear

6   8  -7-8 7 -6   6   -6     6
It came up-o-n the mid-night clear,

  6  -6  -7  7   7 -8  8 -8
That glo-ri-ous so-ng of old,

  6   8 -7   -8 7  -6    6  -6    6
From an-gels be-nd-ing near the earth

 6  -6    -6   -7 -6   6   7
To touch their ha-rps of gold:

  8    8  5   5 -5     6   -6  -7  7
Peace on the ea-rth, good-will to men,

  8  -8   7    -7  -6   -7 -6  6
From hea-ven's all gra-cio-us King

 6    8   -7 -8  7 -6   6    -6   6
The world in sol-e-mn still-ness lay

 6 -6   -6  -7 -6 6    7
To hear the an-ge-ls sing.

Жанр: Рождественские
Тип гармошки: Блюзовая
Сложность: Для начинающих
Ключ гармошки: C

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