Indian Reservation

Indian Reservation

Автор мелодии: Paul Revere & The Raiders
By John D Loudermilk
Paul Revere and the Raiders
Key: G 

6      6   7    -8   -8 -7  7  -7  -7
they took the whole cher-o-kee na-tion
6   7  -8  -7  -77 6   6  6
put us on this res-er-va-tion
6    7  -8 -8   -7 7   -7 
took a-way our way of life
6   7  -8  -8  -8  -77  6    6
tom-a-hawk and the bow and knife
6    7  -8 -8  -7  7     -7
took a-way our na-tive tongue
6        7   -8   -8  -77 6    6
taught their eng-lish to our young
6    6   7   -8   -8  -7  7   -7
and all the beads we made by hand
6    6  7  -8   -8  -7  7  6
are now-a-days made in ja-pan

-7  -7  -7  -7  -7    6  6  6    6
Cher-o-kee peo-ple, cher-o-kee tribe
-7   -7   7    -7   -9* -9*   -8  -8
so proud you lived, so proud you died

6      6   7    -8  -8 -7 7  -7  -7
They took the whole in-di-an na-tion
6      7  -8  -7  -77 6  6   6
locked us on this res-er-va-tion
6      7  -8  -8  -7   7  -7
though I wear a shirt and tie
6     6   7  -8  -8  -7  7   6
I'm still a red-man deep in-side

-7  -7  -7  -7  -7    6  6  6    6
Cher-o-kee peo-ple, cher-o-kee tribe
-7   -7   7    -7   -9* -9*   -8  -8
so proud you lived, so proud you died

6    6  7   -8   -8  -7    7       -7 
But may-be some-day when they’ve learned
6    6  7  -8  -8   -7   7  6
Cher-o-kee na-tion will re-turn.
Жанр: 60-е
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: G

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