Imse vimse spindel/Imse vimse Spider

Imse vimse spindel/Imse vimse Spider

4 4  4-4    5  5   
imse Vimse spindel

-4   4    -4  5    4
klaettrar uppoer troen.

5    5 -5  6  6
Ned faller regnet 

-5 5    -6 6     5
spolar spindeln bort.

8   8  8   -7 -7
Upp stiger solen,

-6 -6   -6   -6   6
torkar bort allt regn.

4 4   4 -4    5  5  
Imse vimse spindel

-4   4    -4  5  4
klaettrar upp igen

popular song for smaller children. You sing the song and mak movements
with your hands.
the song is about Imse, the spider who climbs up, gets washed down by
the rain, then dries up by the rising sun and then happily climbs up
his thread again. Qute song, right?
Жанр: Детские мелодии
Тип гармошки: Блюзовая
Сложность: Для начинающих

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