I Got A Crush On You

I Got A Crush On You

Автор мелодии: Michael Buble/Rod Stewart/Barbara Streisand/Linda Ronstadt
I GOT A CRUSH ON YOU            

Barbara Streisand/Linda Ronstadt


 3    4  -4   5  -4 -5  -5
How glad the man-y mil-lions 

4  4  3   —4     4   -3  -3b
Of An-na-belles and Lill-ians 

 3    -2b -3b -3b 2 -3b
Would be to cap-ture me!

3    4   -4  5   -4  -5    5
But you had such per-sist-ance,

-4   4    -3  -4  4 -3   -3b
You wore down my re-sis-tance :

3  3     4  -3  -3b -3
I fell, and it was swell

-4     5   4   4   4    4    4    4  -4 -4 5
You're my big and brave and hand-some Ro-me-o

-4  5  4   4   4   4    4   4   -3 -3  3
How I won you, I shall nev-er, nev-er know

 3    4   -4   5    -4   -5   5
It's not that you're at-trac-tive

-4   4   -3  -4    4   -3  -3b
But, oh, my heart grew ac-tive

3     2   5   -4 4   -4
When you came in-to view.


 3   -3b -3b -3  -4  -3   -3b   4  3
I've got a crush on you, Sweet-ie pie.

-3   -3 -4   -4   -3   -3    -3b  4  5  
All the day and night-time, hear me sigh

-4 6  5   -4  4    5   -3  -3b
I nev-er had the least no-tion

-4   5   -4   -3   -3b  -4  5  -4 5 -4
That I could fall with so much e-mo-tion

-3     -4 -2
Could you coo?

-3b    4   5
Could you care

-3 -3  -4  -4   -3  -3  -2b   4   -5
For a cun-ning cot-tage we could share?

 5    6    5    -4   4  5  -3
The world will par-don my mush

-2b      -3  -3 4   5    -4  5 -4   5  -4
'Cause I’ve got a crush, my ba-by, on you

Тип гармошки: Блюзовая
Ключ гармошки: Bb

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