I Can’t Get Started With You (chromatic)

I Can’t Get Started With You (chromatic)

Автор мелодии: from; "Ziegfield Follies-1936
W: Ira Gershwin
M: Vernon Duke
From: “Ziegfield Follies-1936”
Key: C

1      2   3  -4    4   -3   2 -2  3
I've flown a-round the world in a plane 
2     3   -4  -5  6  5  3    -3  -4 
I've set-tled re-vo-lu-tions in Spain 
1     2    3  -4  4    -3   2
The North Pole I have char-ted 
-2   3     3    3*  1   -1   2
But can't get start-ed with you 
1   2   3  -4    4      -3  2 -2   3
a-round a golf course, I'm un-der par 
2    3  -4  -5   6   5    3 -3  -4
and all the mov-ies want me to star 
1     2  3   -4   4  -3   2
I've got a house, a show place 
-2  3  3  3*   1    -1   1
But I get no place with you 

1      2   3  -3
You're so su-preme 
-2* -2*-2* -2*  -2* 2
lyr-ics I write of you 
-3       2   2  2   2    2 -1
Scheme just for a sight of you
-3     2    2   2    2    2 -1
Dream both day and night of you 
-3   -4   -5   -5  -4  3
And what good does it do? 

1   2    3    -4  4   -3  2  -2   3
In nine-teen twen-ty nine I sold short 
2   3   -4  -5   6   5   3  -3  -4
In Eng-land I'm pre-sen-ted at court 
1     2     3  -4  4    -3   -2
But you've got me down heart-ed 
-3    4* 6    -6    -5  -3  -4   4
Cause I can't get start-ed with you

Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: C

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