Hoist the Colours (Пираты Карибского моря)

Hoist the Colours (Пираты Карибского моря)

Автор мелодии: Hans Zimmer
-2 4 4 4 4 
The king and his  men  
    Some     have died 
The bell has been raised 

4 4 4* 4 4 -2
Stole the  queen from her bed 
And        some  are   a-live 
From  it’s    wa-ter- y  grave 

-2 -2 -6 -6 -6 7 -6 6
    And bound her    in     her  bones 
    And   o- thers sail on  the  sea 
Do  you  hear it’s  sep-ul-chral tone? 

5 5 7 -6 -6 7
     The seas be     ours  
With the keys to the cage 
      A  call to     all 

7* 7* 7 7 -6 5
And     by     the pow’rs 
And the de-vil to   pay 
Pay    heed    the squall 

5 7 7* 7 5 -5* -6
   Where  we  will we    roam 
We  lay   to  Fid-dler’s Green 
And turn your sails to   home 

-6 5 -6 -6 5 5 
Yo ho, all      hands  
Yo ho, haul to- geth- er 
Yo ho, all      hands  

-6 -6 7* 7 -6 7 
Hoist the  co- lours high 
Hoist the  co- lours high 
Hoist the  co- lours high 

7 5 7 7* 7 5 5
Heave ho, thieves and beg-gars 
Heave ho, thieves and beg-gars 
Heave ho, thieves and beg-gars 

7 7* 5 7 5 -5* -6
Ne-ver shall we die 
Ne-ver shall we die 
Ne-ver shall we die

Примеры иcполнений мелодии

Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: Ab

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